Sunday, March 4, 2012

Microprocessor Knee Technology (MPK) - C-Leg and Compact Information - Product Review

Who Can Benefit Most From Microprocessor Knee Technology?

The C-Leg has been created for people that can be more active and who can take advantage of its dynamic swing control and multiple user modes. On the other hand, the Compact (also made by Otto Bock) is a leg that is better for individuals that are less active but need stability for daily activities.

The C-Leg is appropriate for individuals that are transfemoral amputees. This also includes those people with bilateral limb deficiencies or even hip disarticulation amputations. If you are, or you know someone that wants to be more involved in activities that require a high level of stance stability then the C-Leg is also a consideration. - What does this mean in English? - A high level of stance stability refers to those individuals that are going to walk or have the potential to walk on ground that is uneven. Individuals that need to walk on uneven terrain, frequently descend stairs or negotiate slopes will need more stability during the stance phase of their gait because the whole idea is for the amputee to avoid falls.

The C-Leg Is Ideal For People:

A.) who currently are or have the potential to be community ambulators. The phrase "community ambulators" does not suggest infrequent walks. This is for individuals that want to be active.

B.) who can utilize a "second mode". This means that they participate in varied activities such as bicycling, roller-blading or have extended periods in which they must stand.

C.) who have the ability or the "potential" to walk faster than 3 mph. (This is equal to 5kph.) Or, if the person walks up to 3 miles / 5 km per day.

D.) who need to change direction and/or speed, suddenly in their day to day life. Changes in speed can be seen during activities such as work, sports, or even at home activities.

E.) would benefit from adjustments during swing phase that are automatic, due to their activity level. What does this mean? - The swing phase of your gait is when you pick your foot up from behind you and bring it in front of your body to land in front of yourself. This process is referred to as swing phase and the C-Leg will make automatic swing phase adjustments for the user of the prosthesis.

The Compact is Ideal for People who:

A.) currently are or have the potential to be community ambulators (same criteria as the C-Leg).

B.) need a high degree of stance phase stability (which is probably true for all amputees).

C.) tend to walk at their self-selected speed. This means that they would not benefit from a highly variable swing phase adjustment as seen with the C-Leg.

D.) do not typically engage in activities that would benefit from the "second mode" (which is good for biclying, roller-blading, or standing for an extender period of time.)

Note: This is good health information. Medical advice on prosthetics and your particular situation needs to be provided to you by your local, licensed prosthetist.

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